We proudly announce our contribution to the preservation of Aruba’s history
Aruba Bank on Wed, 31 Aug 2016 18:03:43 GMTWith pride and joy, we have been a part of the big celebration of the commence ceremony of the Faro California Lighthouse last Friday. The 26th of August, 2016 will always remain as one of the most memorable dates of positive achievements in regards to the preservation of historic places and monuments in Aruba. For us it was an honor to have been able to contribute to this positive community improvement within different sections on the island.
During this special event at Faro California Lighthouse, our Executive Director, Mrs Rocila Acosta, has made it perfectly clear that being the only Aruban bank on the island, it is a huge satisfactions to be able to contribute to this improvement and to be able to support Stichting Monumentenfonds Aruba SMFA in this entire process of restoring one Aruba’s precious piece of history of our island.
“We want to share our happiness with the community of Aruba, especially that of our employees and clients of Aruba Bank”, Rocila Acosta has stated. She then announced that all employees and clients of Aruba Bank have the luxury to visit the Faro California Lighthouse for free. This means that both Aruba Bank’s employees and clients can be a part of the tour without paying this special fee. This gift has a validation of a year and is valid only on Saturdays.
Employees and clients can make a reservation on the Faro California Lighthouse website . They can click on a link especially made for Aruba Bank clients and make their reservations at least 24 hours prior to the date. This is due to the fact that there is a maximum number of 48 people that can attend every Saturday. The tour itself takes about 20 minutes to reach the top. At arrival Aruba Bank’s employees and clients must show their ATM or Credit Card, plus a valid ID to confirm their reservation.
“Aruba Bank is a very well-known bank to extend its contribution to the Aruban community. This project facilities Aruba Bank to keep on supporting Aruba’s treasures and to help more people to notice Aruba’s culture and its history amongst its people”, Rocila has stated.
Mrs. Nelleke Cardenas (Sr. Marketing Officer at Aruba Bank) together with our winning client Mrs. Carolyn Rasmijn Britten have also been part of this amazing experience.
Once again Congratulation Aruba!