Aruba Bank supports residents with mental limitations at Ambiente Feliz
For over thirty years, Stiching Ambiente Feliz has been dedicated to caring for people with mental limitations in the Aruba community.
The growth in the number of clients at the foundation currently has also increased their need for material and donations from the community. Aruba Bank recently delivered many first necessity items for the residents at the center. Representatives of the bank also delivered several fans to the center, allowing residents to cool down in the hot summer days ahead.
Aruba Bank is pleased to continue contributing to different causes in our community in accordance with their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We encourage the entire community to learn more about Stichting Ambiente Feliz and to support the caretakers and residents of the center. For information or to make a donation call 5858738 or send email to: ambientefeliz@setarnet.aw