Cuenta Sabi Savings
With a Cuenta Sabi (Smart account) you have several withdrawal options available, and enjoy a great interest rate on the deposit. Earn a higher interest percentage as your balance increases!
Apply for a Cuenta Sabi Savings Account online or visit one of our branches.
Why choose a Cuenta Sabi
Required Documents
Service and assistance
Your interest is calculated on the minimum quarterly balance and credited to your account on the last day of each quarter. Cuenta Sabi Savings Account is available for residents.
Interest rates
- 1.00 % p.a. for balances of AWG 100,‐ to 9.999,‐
- 1.10 % p.a. for balances of AWG 10.000,‐ to 24.999,‐
- 1.25 % p.a. for balances of AWG 25.000,‐ to 49.999,‐
- 1.40 % p.a. for balances of AWG 50.000,‐ to 100.000,‐
- 1.55 % p.a. for balances of AWG 100.000,‐ to 250.000,‐
- 1.65 % p.a. for balances of AWG 250.000,- to 1.000.000,-
Interest rates (applicable as of November 1, 2022)
- 1.10 % p.a. for balances of AWG 100,‐ to 24.999,‐
- 1.35 % p.a. for balances of AWG 25.000,‐ to 99.999,‐
- 1.50 % p.a. for balances of AWG 100.000,‐ to 249.999,‐
- 1.65 % p.a. for balances of AWG 250.000,‐ to 1.000.000,-
- 0.00% p.a. for balances of AWG 1.000.000,- and above
Interest rates (applicable as of September 11, 2023)
- 1.30 % p.a. for balances of AWG 100,‐ to 24.999,‐
- 1.55 % p.a. for balances of AWG 25.000,‐ to 99.999,‐
- 1.70 % p.a. for balances of AWG 100.000,‐ to 249.999,‐
- 1.85 % p.a. for balances of AWG 250.000,‐ to 1.000.000,-
- 0.00% p.a. for balances of AWG 1.000.000,- and above
* Aruba Bank reserves the right to change the interest rate at any time at its sole discretion.
Online Access
To bring to your appointment:
* Please note that specific documents and conditions are applicable to open a non‐ resident account. Call our Contact Center at 527 7777 for more information.